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Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Writer's picture: Hilary ValdezHilary Valdez

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common reaction after a traumatic event. PTSD is not just a mental health condition of war veterans, but anyone who has experienced an overwhelmingly frightening or tragic event such as rape, a gunshot wound, a car accident, a significant other. Losing, house fire, explosion or long term destruction. - Exposure to the duration of a harmful event. The American Psychiatric Association defines PTSD as a psychological disorder for people who have witnessed or experienced a traumatic event. Post-traumatic stress (PTS), on the other hand, is a normal reaction to stress and usually goes away on its own.

PTS happens when you have a close call and you survive, for example you survive a car accident, you survive a storm or almost drown in the ocean and you are rescued. You were badly shaken, but you're fine. With PTSD, your neurological symptoms don't clear up, you're anxious and stressed. PTSD does not have to appear immediately. It may take months or a year to appear. According to Dr. Hafeez of the PTSD Alliance, 30% of soldiers in an active combat zone have PTSD and it is common in the general population. Women are twice as likely to develop this anxiety disorder as men.

According to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, PTSD symptoms are generally divided into four categories: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms may vary over time or vary from person to person. These symptoms cause significant problems in social or work situations and relationships. They can also interfere with your ability to carry out your normal daily activities. According to Dr. Hafeez, to be diagnosed with PTSD a person must have "prolonged disturbing thoughts that interfere with their normal daily life."

In my clinical experience with Marine veterans, nightmares were very common, as well as emotional and mental separation from friends and family. I notice hypervigilance especially when I follow a marine, and jump or startle around loud noises, sudden touches, specific smells, firecrackers going off, helicopters circling overhead. I am But how can you stop unwanted and disturbing memories from recurring? After four years of group therapy listening to horror stories of combat, I developed compassion fatigue, post-traumatic stress, free-floating anxiety, and

. I've had to deal with suicides, Marines with drug use that got them discharged from the Corps. I felt sorry for them. He served in the war, now being let go for illegal self-medication. War losses. Secondary effects. It took me a few years to recover and rewire my brain. I did not drink or smoke. I changed my diet and started a vigorous exercise plan. And I started writing.

If you have been diagnosed with PTSD, you may also seek counseling. And after seeing a doctor, you may be prescribed Zoloft or Paxil, antidepressant medications prescribed for anxiety, and FDA-approved specifically for PTSD. During my counseling session at 29 Palms Marine Corps Base, I used Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) that overlap and address your thoughts and beliefs about trauma. Challenge. I also used the Critical Insight Stress Management (CISM) debriefing technique which was helpful for group work. I liked CISM, it worked right after a traumatic event. CBT and RET were good for long-term therapy. If you have PTSD, don't hold back. You let us in, we'll get you out. Achieved! Not panicking is self-pity. Move in a well organized direction. After trauma, it's common to have a backpack full of emotional baggage. Throw it away. Get rid of it. Let it go. About the Author:

Hilary Valdez is a freelance Writer living in Tokyo, Japan. He is an experienced Mental Health professional and Resiliency Trainer. Valdez is a former Marine and has worked with the military most of his career and most recently worked at Camp Zama as a Master Resiliency Trainer. Valdez now has a private practice and publishes books on social and psychological issues. His books are available on Amazon and for Kindle.

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